

London Model Railroad Group Inc.   

The new home for the Lake Erie & International Railway, you can visit us at:  
What’s My Collection Worth?
From time to time, we’re asked to value and even purchase a model train collection. While we’re happy to discuss trains, layouts, and railroads of all sizes, we’re regrettably unable to provide valuations and in only rare circumstances might we acquire pieces of outstanding merit. Note that the group adheres to a 2-rail, 1:48 O-scale standard.

With the resumption of traditional train meets, they, along with specialist online auction houses, are good places to assess value and sell model trains and accessories. Potential sellers should note that many toy trains, especially 3-rail Lionel and similar units, were produced in quantity and built to last, with the result that there are many working models still in existence and while vintage, they are not as rare as you might think.

That said, buyers will pay a premium for trains in original boxes and pristine condition.

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